Web app for monday.com

Get Sign

Web app for monday.com

Get Sign

iOS & Desktop

Get Sign

Business Objective

To attract as many investors as possible on the platform by solving their stock trading problems and to gain revenue from subscription plans sold to investors.

About the App

GetSign is a fully integrated eSignature solution for monday CRM, streamlining document workflows with features like automated emails, real-time updates, synced templates and drag and drop template editor.

Popular use-cases

Popular use-cases

  • Sales contracts and agreements: GetSign can be used to close deals faster by quickly signing sales contracts and agreements with clients and partners.

  • Real estate transactions: GetSign can be used to sign lease agreements, purchase contracts, and other real estate documents.

  • Non-disclosure agreements: GetSign can be used to sign NDAs and other confidential agreements between companies and partners.

  • Vendor contracts and purchase orders: GetSign can be used to sign vendor contracts and purchase orders for goods and services.

Problem Statement

The current process for obtaining e-signatures within the Monday.com CRM platform lacks efficiency and user-friendliness. Users face challenges when integrating e-signature workflows into their existing processes, leading to potential delays and confusion. As a result, there is a need to streamline the e-signature workflow and improve the overall user experience.

The Solution

To address the challenges faced by Monday.com CRM users when it comes to e-signatures, the solution is to develop an enhanced and intuitive e-signature workflow tool called "GetSign." GetSign aims to seamlessly integrate within the Monday.com platform, providing a user-friendly interface and efficient process for obtaining e-signatures.

The Solution

To address the challenges faced by Monday.com CRM users when it comes to e-signatures, the solution is to develop an enhanced and intuitive e-signature workflow tool called "GetSign." GetSign aims to seamlessly integrate within the Monday.com platform, providing a user-friendly interface and efficient process for obtaining e-signatures.


Step 1: User Research

  • Conduct user interviews and surveys to understand the pain points and requirements of Monday.com CRM users related to e-signatures.

  • Identify common issues, such as complexity, time-consuming steps, and lack of integration.

Step 2: Define User Personas

  • Create user personas based on the research findings to represent the target audience of the GetSign tool.

  • Consider factors such as job roles, familiarity with e-signatures, and specific pain points.

Step 3: Ideation and Design

  • Brainstorm and generate ideas for a streamlined e-signature workflow within the Monday.com platform.

  • Create wireframes and prototypes to visualize the user interface and interaction flow.

  • Apply user-centered design principles to ensure a user-friendly and intuitive experience.

Step 4: Development

  • Collaborate with developers to implement the GetSign tool within the Monday.com platform.

  • Integrate necessary APIs and functionality for smooth e-signature transactions.

  • Conduct thorough testing to ensure a bug-free and reliable user experience.

  • Gather feedback from beta testers and early adopters to identify areas for improvement.

  • Iterate on the design and functionality based on user feedback, ensuring continuous improvement.

Major Screens:


Find the link to the launched app here. Learn more about the functionality of the interface by watching the video instruction below.

I really appreciate your time going through the case study. I hope it gave you a little insight into my design approach and the decisions I made. Let me know what you think!

Find the link to the launched app here. Learn more about the functionality of the interface by watching the video instruction below.

Thank you!


I really appreciate your time going through the case study. I hope it gave you a little insight into my design approach and the decisions I made. Let me know what you think!

Thank you!

I really appreciate your time going through the case study. I hope it gave you a little insight into my design approach and the decisions I made. Let me know what you think!

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